United Evangelical Churches grants three levels of ministerial credentials, depending upon the qualifications of the applicant: Commissioned, Licensed and Ordained.  We also offer a "Christian Worker" credential for laity who may need credentials to access foreign countries, hospitals, jails, etc.

Credentials Available

         Christian Worker

        Commissioned Minister

        Licensed Minister

        Ordained Minister

Christian Worker


A Christian Worker credential is granted to a person who is active in a supportive role in the Gospel ministry.  Examples of Christian workers are: Sunday School teachers, youth leaders, lay counselors or lay chaplains, personal evangelists, etc.
     General Requirements: An applicant must be born-again, involved in a specific arena of ministry and have the written approval/recommendation of his/her pastor.

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Commissioned Minister


A Commissioned Minister credential is granted to those persons who feel a definite call to the gospel ministry and are involved in ministerial training while performing some type of ministry.  A Commissioned Minister will be granted the rights and privileges that pertain to his/her specific commissioned ministry.
     General Requirements: An applicant must meet the requirements of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, be currently active in some aspect of the gospel ministry necessitating credentials, and be currently enrolled in an approved program of ministerial training.
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Licensed Minister


A Licensed Minister credential is granted to a person who is active in a gospel ministry.  The license is granted to allow the individual to prove his/her God-ordained ministry prior to ordination.  Examples of a gospel ministry are: evangelist, pastor, assistant/associate pastor, youth pastor, missionary, counselor, Bible teacher, etc.  A Licensed Minister has all the rights and privileges attending his/her calling in accordance with the laws of the state in which s/he resides.
     General Requirements: An applicant must meet the requirements of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, have completed an acceptable educational program, and be currently active in the gospel ministry.


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Ordained Minister


An Ordained Minister credential is granted to those who have a proven ministry, have demonstrated clear evidence of God’s ordination and calling on their life and are active in a gospel ministry.  An Ordained Minister has all the rights and privileges attending his/her calling in accordance with the laws of the state in which s/he resides.
     General Requirements: An applicant must meet the requirements of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, have completed an acceptable educational program, be currently active in the gospel ministry, have previously held Licensed Minister credentials for a minimum of two years, and be at least 26 years of age.


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